Marta Font combines in her lessons the basics of Vijnana yoga with the principles of shiatsu. In her lessons special attention is given to hands-on work. Through conscious contact the mind becomes quiet and concentrated on the physical sensations of the moment, giver and receiver become one.
Shiatsu is described in the west as acupuncture without needles. It’s a form of manual therapy where pressure is given on different areas, points and energy channels of the body in order to improve health.
Marta is as well a certified Iokai shiatsu therapist and has her own practice Ikuru in Amsterdam.
“Vijnana yoga and Shiatsu help us to live more from the Hara or Samana. The Hara is the seat of our life energy located in the lower belly. Quiescence and power are developed from this place. It helps you live with empathy and a pure contact with others.”
She combined her career as a professional dancer in Spain with the studies of Philosophy at the University of Barcelona. After tasting the holistic discipline of Yoga, she followed a three-year classical yoga teacher training with Teresa Caldas and Dona Holleman finishing in 2004. Since then, she follows regularly retreats with Orit Sen Gupta and Vijnana Yoga has become her way to deepen into Yoga and giving lessons.
“To practice with other people together is very pleasant. We leave for a moment our safe mat. It is a wonderful chance to express yoga in a different way since mostly we practice yoga alone on our own mat.”
To book a massage contact:
Marta Font Pagès
31 (0) 645 298 952