Japanese Yoga according to the seasons
Samana Yoga Center Droogbak 11, Amsterdam, Noord Holland, Netherlands3 Workshops Japanese Yoga according to the seasons Friday evening 19.30-21.00
September 13 , October 11 & November 8
Bekijk hieronder de yoga workshops en masterclasses die we in o.a. Amsterdam aanbieden.
Here you find all our yoga workshops and events
3 Workshops Japanese Yoga according to the seasons Friday evening 19.30-21.00
September 13 , October 11 & November 8
Sunday September 15 10.30-12.00 Between September & December 2024 you can enjoy few seasonal soundbaths. This soundbath belongs under the autumn season. We will touch upon all the seasons in each soundbath but the focus will be on the present season and topics resonating with it. For the winter it is a deep relaxation, rest and space for regeneration and restoration.
Sunday September 29 17.00 - 18.30
This class is a healing space for letting go of tensions (both physical and emotional) and get refreshed with new space and vital energy. You work with self-massage of the fascia, using props. A special class at Samana by Marta Font who combines her insights in shiatsu massage, yoga and roll & release to give you what you need.
Autumn Workshop weekend with Flo Dedame, We are restoring our bond with the Natural World through the essence of Being, seen through the pillars of practice
Saturday October 5 9.30-12.30 14.00-17.30 & Sunday October 6 9.30-12.30 14.00-17.30
Sunday, Oct. 13, 5 to 6:30 p.m. - door open at 4:30 p.m.
Chanting & Alignment (formerly OMhealing) Autumn.
Sessions are on a donation basis.
Sunday November 3 10.00-17.00
People live in social systems. More and more it becomes clear how strongly we are influenced by the systems of which we are part. Are there patterns in you that you keep encountering and that hinder you? Themes you can't get rid of? Often a constellation can support you and give you more insight about this.