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Monday morning 11.30-13.00
Dates: June 17 & 24 & July 1
After the birth you can go to Samana Yoga Center for lessons in Ayurvedic baby massage. This is a relaxing, warm way of giving attention to both your baby and yourself. Massage activates your child’s senses. Your baby relaxes and sleeps better because of the touch and the feeling of security. The massage also stimulates the intestines, which reduces intestinal cramps. During the lessons you will receive advice about intestinal cramps, restless sleep and breastfeeding. After the massage we put the children to sleep and the mothers start moving themselves with Postnatal Yoga. The exercises are aimed at strengthening the pelvic floor, the lower back, the abdominal muscles, the legs and relaxing the shoulders and neck.
About Baby massage and post natal yoga
Touching is giving life
A great time for mother and baby
We start the class with half an hour of baby massage. Then there is time to feed the baby and put her on a mat in the middle of the room to play or sleep. The new moms will stand around them to practice yoga for one hour.
These sessions are a treat for both baby and mother.
Baby massage: less stress, more contact
Massage is great for babies. They become relaxed and more alert and it helps their development.
A baby becomes more relaxed in this new and challenging world after a massage. S/He will produce less cortisol, a stress hormone, and more oxytocine, the hormone that stimulates feelings of connectedness. Sanne teaches ayurvedic shantala massage in which you touch the whole body of your baby.
During the massage you have physical contact with your baby. You also talk to your child. This deepens the contact.
Trust through Touch
During your pregnancy you touch your belly frequently. That’s a way to make contact with your baby. The baby massage is a natural step after birth. It brings a warm sense of security to both the mother and the child. Tactile sense is the strongest sense of a new born. With massage you stimulate this important sensor for your baby. Baby massage gives your baby a fundamental feeling of trust and security, essential for a full physical and mental development. But maybe even more important: the baby massage class is a very nice way for mother and child to enjoy and to get to know each other.
Baby massage is not new. It is common and a tradition in many cultures. The positive effects are evident both mental and physical: it activates the muscles, helps to ease belly cramps and takes away tension. It stimulates circulation in the skin and helps your baby to sleep well.
Postnatal yoga
After giving birth it’s nice to regain your strength in a safe way.
Postnatal yoga will focus on the most important body parts that need restorative yoga: your pelvic floor, lower back and belly muscles.
Your belly needs some time to fall back into its former shape. We train the belly muscles very softly and careful, building it up slowly. For those with a caesarean the postures are adjusted to be healthful and safe.
The pelvic floor needs restorative asana’s too. It will be another point of focus. Every week you well feel your pelvic become more stable.
Take care of yourself after birth
For many women it is normal to take a course when pregnant. This way you prepare for all that is to come. But after birth your body goes through a lot of changes. It is important to take care of yourself at this stage as well.
Postnatal Yoga helps you to restore in a safe and well balanced way, physically. You also learn the natural healthy positions to feed, sit and walk to prevent injuries and discomfort. The yoga practice also helps you regain your energy in a time with broken nights.
With a newborn you find yourself in new postures daily: feeding the baby, carrying her around. Your body once more changes, with heavy breast. You use the muscles in your back, arms, neck and shoulders differently. Many women develop pain in the upper body. In the postnatal yoga classes we will look at de best postures for feeding and carrying your baby. With the right postures your muscles can stay relaxed, your body will not cramp but stays open. We will also train these muscles to become stronger.
Please bring…
Please take a towel, hydrophilic diaper, extra diaper, massage oil and breast or bottle.
Costs: €100,
€75.00Register Now
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