Bekijk hieronder de yoga workshops en masterclasses die we in o.a. Amsterdam aanbieden.
Here you find all our yoga workshops and events
Wednesdays 20.00 – 21.30 hr
Dates: Nov. 23 & 30 & Dec. 7 & 14
With Eveline Torres
Do you find it challenging to breath deeply? Do you feel any tension in your throat, chest or abdomen? Learning to breath correctly is one of the most effective ways to build more strength, energy and inner peace. A wonderful tool for a healthy yoga practice and also very effective to reduce stress in daily life!
The aim of this course is to introduce you to your own breathing through Pranayama exercises, Vayus’s (cleansing exercises) and Bandha’s (energy centers). After this course you will be able to synchronize your breathing with yoga postures. Even the more challenging yoga poses become lighter and easier for you. In addition, you will learn several techniques that you can practice at home.
We can breathe in many ways. Without careful observation we mostly breathe in the same way and we are not fully aware of our bodies. The Pranayama exercises bring calmness and strength without using force.We explore the effect of inhaling, exhaling and the transition between the two. We look at different ways to do this and discover the effects on our mind, our body and on our asanas. Breathing is the connection between the physical body and the physical mind.
For example:
Inhale and hold your breath. Count the number of thoughts you have. It will not be so many. It is very difficult to think without breathing. The mind gets slower. So you experience that by simply breathing more slowly you can affect the intensity and quantity of your thoughts.
(From the book: The Heart of Yoga ,Orit Sen-Gupta)
Beginners and (more) advanced are both welcome. You will have personal support, so you can practice at your own level. For those who have previously attended a Pranayama course, you will get the opportunity to go a step further by practicing the exercises on a deeper level.
Our advanced teacher Eveline Torres has extensively studied Pranayama and takes regular retreats with Orit Sen Gupta, an expert in this field. Her insights are reflected in this Fast Forward Course.
Regular: € 78, –
Members with a valid pass: € 75,-
(Participants: 8- 16)
We work with small groups so there is more room for personal attention.
The couponcode for members with a valid card: vasteklant3
€78.00Register Now
*Replacing a missed lesson is unfortunately not possible.
(Check our terms and conditions about registration, payment and cancellation)
To practice yoga at home the Little book of Yoga by Orit Sen Gupta is wonderful. When you participate in this course you can buy the book with a discount of 10%.
Each month a new course of four weeks starts with the focus on pranayama . In this way your practice can really grow.