Bekijk hieronder de yoga workshops en masterclasses die we in o.a. Amsterdam aanbieden.
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Date: Saturday August 29
Time: 16.00 – 18.00
With: Pablo de Haas
all levels
This workshop at Samana is to develop a stable handstand.
Of course that will not be achieved in one day…. But there are definitely a few things to learn to make the process more comprehensible
Originally and still to this day I am a (Jazz) saxophonist.
In 2008 I started doing Bikram Yoga. After about a year and a half I started competing in the yoga world championships in L.A.
For 4 years I was in the top 10 and my highest ranking was nr 4.
Nowadays I teach Hot yoga and my own style of yoga.
What i found is that in yoga the element of strenght is a bit overlooked.
Flexibility and stamina are one thing but there needs to be a stabilizing factor to bring balance.
The workshop will be set up in yogic fashion starting with breathing to quiet the mind.
Secondly we will warm up with long elongations so the body has ample space to bring you as close to the postions needed to do the excercises.
I will explain throughout the workshop why we are doing certain elongations,strengthening or mobility excercises.
Hope to se you there.
This hand balance challenge is for all levels.
minimum 4 / maximum 8 participants
Regular price: €30,-
Member price: €25,-
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