Bekijk hieronder de yoga workshops en masterclasses die we in o.a. Amsterdam aanbieden.
Here you find all our yoga workshops and events
Date: Friday December 14
Time: 18.30 till 20.00 uur
With: Caroline Erkelens
Come and experience joy of singing together!
Let the power of Mantra’s and other spiritual songs open your heart.
People are singing all over the world.
No matter if you sing at home, in nature, in a monastery a church or at school, singing opens up your heart, and brings you closer to yourself
Like a medicine singing (re)connects, gives joy, encougages, helps to conquer fear and lonelyness, and much more than that. It warms you up and cools you down.
Warming up:
In movement and easy yoga postures, we connect with our breath and sound.
Mantra Sound ans Songs
After a moment of learning the words and melody, we’ll open up to the power of the song it self. You feel what the mantra does with you and your energy. There will be different mantra’s from different traditions and styles.
In meditation we absorbe the peaceful energy and atmosphere that we build up together.
Caroline is zangeres. 35 jaar geleden begon zij aan haar zangopleiding. Zij reisde de wereld rond om zich te bekwamen bij diverse grootheden uit de operawereld. Al die jaren is zij intensief bezig geweest met het fenomeen adem.
Kosten: € 15,-
€15.00Register Now