Bekijk hieronder de yoga workshops en masterclasses die we in o.a. Amsterdam aanbieden.
Here you find all our yoga workshops and events
Date: Friday, April 16
Time: 9.30 – 12.00 am
With: Sanne & Marta
All Levels
Theme:Agni; igniting the digestive fire
“Agni” means digestive fire and “ama” means toxic waste within the Ayurvedic tradition. A balanced agni is essential for good digestion and for the elimination of toxic waste accumulated in our bodies.
Within the yoga tradition, practices like kriya’s (cleansing techniques) are very important ways to promote digestion and good vowel movement. The effect of these practices become enhanced when our eating habits and life style support them. The result is a feeling of lightness, vitality and clarity of mind so well wanted☺
We are offering a new online workshop where we will focus on cultivating a healthy agni. In order to get the benefits of this session, we propose you some guidelines that you can put in practice during the days before the workshop.
At least four days before the workshop what you can avoid:
What you can do:
These guidelines are not intended to replace the advice of any doctor. Feel free to adapt them to your needs and condition.
The Online Restorative Yoga workshop is for all levels.
Regular price: € 20, –
(check our terms and conditions about registration, payment and cancellation)
€20.00Register Now