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Sunday March 10 2023
Time: 10am to 5pm
By: Iris de Veer
The workshop is given by Iris de Veer (
She has over 20 years of experience in supervising constellations. People live in social systems. More and more it becomes clear how strongly we are influenced by the systems of which we are part. Much of this is unconscious. You usually get support and strength from those systems. Sometimes you suffer from that unconscious influence. Precisely because the influence is unconscious you cannot reach it. Constellations are a way of looking at the unconscious influence of systems.
Are there patterns in you that you keep encountering and that hinder you? Themes you can’t get rid of? Do you have the feeling that you are not living fully, that there are blockages, that it is not really flowing? Are you facing a major dilemma? Do you have physical complaints that keep coming back and that health care cannot help you further?
Often a constellation can support you and give you more insight about this. During this day you can introduce such a question or theme. You can participate in this workshop in two ways: if you really want to do a constellation, you register for a constellation and if you want to get acquainted with the method or you like to represent, you register as a representative. 4 places for people who want their own set-up, so it’s best to register quickly. As a representative, you always bring a special experience and relevant insights with you.
What is a system?
A system is a coherent whole. When something happens to an element in a system, that box affects other elements in the system. Your family system is one such system. You do not choose this system, but you receive it at birth. Your country or region of birth, your social class, the organization where you work also form a system. You are part of it and you are influenced by it. You can also see your body as a system. This creates patterns that determine your behavior.
There are three major types of dynamics in systems: – every element, every person in the system is entitled to a place in his system: exclusion, “forgetting”, silence and contempt in one place lead to problems in another place in the system. – there is an order, an order between the people and the elements in the system, if this is disturbed, there will be unrest.
Give and take must be in balance, both giving too much and giving too little can upset the balance. How does a Setup work? In every workshop we do physical exercises and practice with system energy, so you get into it a bit. Then you choose people who represent you or elements from your system. You set them up in space. The representatives are now able to articulate underlying unconscious feelings and thoughts. The representatives come into contact with the dynamics of the (family) system and can provide information about it.
On the basis of that information, order can be restored, who or what has been excluded can be recognized and included again, or the balance between giving and taking can be regained. The effect of a constellation is usually long lasting and profound. As a representative you experience what it is like to be in that place in the system, you experience feelings and thoughts of the person in whose place you stand. You don’t have to do anything for it, have no experience in it, and believe nothing for it. We can do it all. Being a representative is a valuable and special experience that often also provides new insights for your own problems. Seeing your own attitude as well as that of others is often a moving spectacle, which brings you into contact with your own “soul stirrings”.
Submit your own question:
If you are going to do a constellation yourself, you can prepare yourself by filling in a questionnaire in advance about facts from your family system. If you do a constellation yourself in the workshop, we will first have a short conversation with you to clarify your question. So it doesn’t matter if your question is not so clear yet.
There is room for a maximum of 4 Constellations and 10 Representatives.
The places for a setup are full, but you can still register as a representative.
Costs: for a constellation : € 120,- for a representative € 75,-
€120.00Register Now
€75.00Register Now
(check our terms and conditions about registration, payment and cancellation)