Bekijk hieronder de yoga workshops en masterclasses die we in o.a. Amsterdam aanbieden.
Here you find all our yoga workshops and events
Let your movement become more fluid and organic
Date: Saturday 9th April
Time: 2 – 5.30 pm
With: Eveline Torres and Marta Font
The Tensegrity repair series are sequences of movements designed to support and enrich the possibilities of moving effortlessly and from the center.
Tensegrity is a compound word from “tension” and “integrity”. The practice of tensegrity is based on an optimal use of muscles and bones, a system that supports the stability of our postures. It trains the more subtle muscles and teaches you how to rely on your bones as support in your asana’s.
This workshop is specially addressed to yoga practitioners and body workers. It will provide good therapeutic tools to teach in yoga lessons and to apply to your own practice and use as a therapist.
We slowly build up the class in a way you are prepared to do the Tensegrity serie, as movement in meditation, avoiding working only in a mechanical way:
Eveline Torres practices and teaches vijnana yoga for more than 20 years. She has been studying the tensegrity repair series for the last 7 years. She integrates the principles of these series into her therapeutic yoga teachings and is very interested in the fusion of this therapeutic practice into the regular yoga asana practice. She can help you personally so that you feel safe to experiment and meet the challenge.
Marta Font is a vijnana yoga teacher and shiatsu therapist. Her specialty is working on the therapeutic aspects of yoga and massage. In a gentle and precise way she will lead you to feel from within.
Regularly they share their knowledge and bring their different skills together in carefully designed workshop. They are teaching together, complementing each others knowledge and and assisting each other in study for the last 12 years.
* The Tensegrity repair series is a sequence of movements designed by the Canadian teacher Gioia Irwin.
Each person will be able to practice on her/his own level.
Let us know if you come:
Costs: € 39,-
Max.16 participants
**The founder of the tensegrity series, Gioia Irwin, puts it this way:
“Imagine a cloverleaf at a highway junction. None of the roadways touch one another, the cars move freely along the lines. Over the years our facial bands often sink into one another through inactivity, improper use, injury, emotional holding etc, in turn creating adhesions.
The goal of practicing the Tensegrity Series is to loosen and separate the fascia lines from one another, so that “the cars”, the energy conduction can be appropriate, light, loose, easy. In this way proper connections can be made throughout the body.”