Bekijk hieronder de yoga workshops en masterclasses die we in o.a. Amsterdam aanbieden.
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Dear Friends & Yogis
It is with great joy that I am returning to Amsterdam for a weekend of practice, introspection, reflection and play!
Our weekend will be a stepping into the realm of Akasha, the 5th element. The system of the 5 elements are found in the
Vedas and referred to as the Pancha Mahabhutas ( Five great Elements) suggesting that all of creation, including the human
body, is made of these five essential elements and that upon death, the human body dissolves into these five elements
of nature, thereby balancing the cycle of nature.
Ether (Akasha) is the spatial dimension that accommodates the other four active elements, it is the purest, beyond the grasp
of the senses, a principle of pervasiveness, the essence of emptiness.
In this weekend we will explore the “inner space’ of Akasha, in body, in mind, in breath, in spirit.
Over the years I have explored the 5 elements in practice and found a connection to the 7 principles of Vijnana, it
has greatly enriched the way I travel into movement, and brought a refined sensitivity to how I perceive inner and outer space
and the merging that results from this understanding.
I look forward to sharing with you this very special time of “Practice beyond Practice”.
I believe deeply that “what is formless” has
already connected us in a very conscious way.
In Light
€285.00Register Now