Bekijk hieronder de yoga workshops en masterclasses die we in o.a. Amsterdam aanbieden.
Here you find all our yoga workshops and events
Caroline is a singer. She teaches Body and Voice workshops at Samana and leads the monthly OM-meditation.
30 years ago she began her vocal training. She travelled around the world to study with various celebrities from the world of opera. All these years she has been working intensively with breath. To find every day again the ‘zero point’: how are my breath, energy and voice relating today. Exercises were discovered or arose through dance, bio energetica, mensendieck, alexander technique and yoga
“When I started doing yoga, I noticed the resemblance of breathing exercises used in yoga and singing. Sometimes the exercises are literally the same. It fascinated me tremendously, and made me enthusiastic to search for more similarities. Although singing and yoga are very different from each other, in both cases you work with the flow of energy, and you need to feel your energy from the inside. It is something with a deep concentration, it is about resonating. In the end, it doesn’t really matter whether you turn this energy flow into sound or into movement.
Voice & Yoga is about the process inward, to feel-, listen and experience from within.
We let ourselves be guided by the vibrations of our own sound. This brings us to movements that encourage the flow of our energy. Our voice is a very powerful tool to eliminate blockades. It helps us to face our creative expressiveness.
Both Om-singing and the workshops Body and Voice are relaxing, energizing, liberating, exciting, cheerful.
Cost: € 45,00
€45.00Register Now
(Check our terms and conditions about registration, payment and cancellation)
Max.16 participants. We work with small groups so there is more room for personal attention.