Bekijk hieronder de yoga workshops en masterclasses die we in o.a. Amsterdam aanbieden.
Here you find all our yoga workshops and events
In 4 sessions we explore the handbalancings and dive deeper into them. As we focus on a theme your progress in the postures will be more clear and you may even surprise yourself.
Start: Tuesday 7 februari
Time: 20h00-21h30
Length: 4 weeks 7, 14, 21 (Sanne) & 28 februari
Teacher: Dick Langenberg
Each week you will be challenged in your practice of balancings. Surprise yourself as we focus on strong fingers & hands and light wrists. The more we root, the lighter the body. Balance in the body, will bring balance or quietness in the mind. You will be more energetic, stronger and have more self confidence. We will work on handstand, sideward positions and armbalancings. Treat yourself and step it up!
-sitting (meditation)
-krya’s & pranayama (cleaning and breathing execises)
-asana practice (postures)
-tekst from Patanjali
Join me for this 4 weeks mini course and Find your balance in Februari!
Dick Langenberg is a Vijnana Yoga certified teacher who had his education with Teresa Caldas and Orit Sen-Gupta. He has many years of experience as a teacher and he likes to help you improve or step up your practice. As we deepen our practice we will be more sensitive to the little movements in the body, we observe from the inside, we explore from the core, we mind our move and we still the mind.
Costs: € 68,-
Minimum 6 / maximaal 16 participants
€68.00Register Now
*Replacing a missed lesson is unfortunately not possible.
(Check our terms and conditions about registration, payment and cancellation)