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Fundamentals of Lu Jong Tibetan Healing yoga

08/02/2017 at 20:00-21:30

Start: Wednesdays February 8
Time: 20.00 – 21.30 pm
Length: 5 weeks (8, 15,22 Feb. + 1 & 8 March)
Teacher: Fritzi Ponse


In this course we focus on creating a balance between body, breath and mind. With simple, flowing movements we internally massage our spine in order to release gross and subtle blockages. We open ourselves and our ‘vital breath’ (lung or qi) flows harmoniously. This helps us to become aware of the present moment and transform negative emotions. With regular practice you build greater physical strength and flexibility, you boost your immune system and you sharpen your senses. You will also discover the emptiness of a (more) quiet mind.

  • 5 elements movements
  • 5 body part movements
  • 5 vital organs movements
  • 6 conditions movements


For whom?
This gentle yoga is accessible to everyone, regardless of age or experience. The poses of Lu Jong yoga are different from those of Indian yoga styles.


Lu Jong Tibetan Healing Yoga is rooted in Tibetan Buddhism and Tibetan Medicine. This yoga was introduced to the West in the 21st century by Buddhist master Tulku Lobsang Rinpoche. He created a series of 23 exercises with slight modifications to make the movements accessible for the Western body and lifestyle.


On June 2016 Tulku Lobsang Rinpoche has certified Fritzi Ponse as a teacher in Lu Jong Tibetan Healing Yoga. Her mission is to introduce Lu Jong in Amsterdam.


Signing up
Kosten: € 85,-

Minimaal 8 / maximaal 16 deelnemers

85.00Register Now

*Het inhalen van een gemiste les is helaas niet mogelijk.
(check onze algemene voorwaarden over aanmelden, betaling en annuleren)


Event Category:


Samana Yoga Center
020 - 3315918


Samana Yoga Center
Droogbak 11
Amsterdam, Noord Holland 1013GG Netherlands
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