Grab this chance with both hands to master handstand and bakasanas.
Date: Saturday August 13
Time: 2.30 – 5.00pm
Wth: Eveline Torres
all levels
Bakasanas are part of the serie handbalances. Within yoga you can practice
sitting asanas, standing poses, bending poses and hand balances. At Samana Yoga Center all poses get attention over a years time. Handbalances are a challenge but very rewarding: it gives you a stronger basis, brings pleasure and mental power.c
What will we do?
- We start with kriyas, vayu’s, ‘just sitting’ and pranayama.
- When our body and mind are more “at ease”, we start with the asanas practice.
- We begin with simple forms and build it up. You get a feel of the basic techniques needed for handstand and bakasanas.
- We work on synchronisation of breath and movement in a dynamic series of asanas.
What will the handstand & bakasanas challenge bring you?
- You fly! with the bakasanas you make your body small and compact, round like a bird, only then you can feel you can fly in a hand balance. You learn to find this feeling using your breath, letting body and mind work together you feel total freedom!
- You become stronger: to do the bakasanas you need strength. Maybe you are already stronger then you thought.
- You become more supple: Birds don’t have angular bones. You too can fold your skeleton to become compact like a bird. You’ll feel flexible and pliable.
- You take a brake from daily life: normally you sit, stand or lie down. When do you stand on your hands? Leave your comfort zone, emerge in these playful poses, it refreshes you mentally.
Are you ready for the Handstand & Bakasanas challenge?
Get ready for takeoff.. we will fly!!!
Practical information
Open to all levels. Maximum of 16 participants.
registration: mail us – info@samanayogacenter.nl
costs: € 35,-
*regular students Samana with a class card: € 30,-
The couponcode for regular customers with a card is:vasteklant
€35.00Register Now