Bekijk hieronder de yoga workshops en masterclasses die we in o.a. Amsterdam aanbieden.
Here you find all our yoga workshops and events
In four weeks you gain a clear overview of all the important asana’s in Vijnana Yoga. Lies Schuring also brings your attention to the principles of alignment, beneficial for yoga practice and in daily life.
A course for newcomers and for people who are doing yoga for some time.
Start: Tuesday November 24
Time: 18.00 – 19.30h
Length: 4 following weeks
Teacher: Lies Schuring
Every four weeks we start a new course.
Come to this course to feel more confident with yoga practice. We will give you an overview of poses. You can get to know them with extra help from the teacher and personal attention. The classes are small (maximum 16 participants). With this course it is easier to follow all yoga classes at Samana Yoga Center.
What can you expect?
During this course of 4 weeks, you’ll learn the foundation of Yoga:
•Sitting (a short meditation)
•Pranayama (breathing exersices to calm you an become stronger and feel free)
•Vayus (cleansing of your body, makes you alert and awake)
•Asana’s (yoga postures)
You’ll learn the technique and sensation of the most important yoga asana’s. In each class we will approach a different group of asana’s:
•standing poses
•sitting poses
•backbendings and forwardbendings
The Kick of intro course is the best way to get an overview of Vijñana Yoga postures. We hope it will make you feel at home with yoga and our Samana studio.
About Lies Schuring
“It is great to share your thoughts and ideas about yoga with others. I give room for exchange in my classes.”
Lies Schuring had a dance carrier. Moving is her great passion. After studying Cesar therapy, Feldenkrais and Alexander therapy she found her great love: Vijnana Yoga. She finds it the most beautiful combination of moving and in-depth knowledge, of power and suppleness, of physical and mental training. Lies teaches our beginners. “It’s a challenge because I myself need to go back to the roots of yoga and ask questions like:
Why is yoga healthy and what does it bring to us?
How can breath help your yoga postures?
Where do movements start in the body?
Why meditate at the beginning of a yoga class?” Read more.
Practical information
registration: mail us –
costs: € 65,- payment: account nr. NL 23 INGB 0005 0930 76 Samana Yoga Center Amsterdam
minimum 4 / maximum 16 participants
Check our terms and conditions.