Bekijk hieronder de yoga workshops en masterclasses die we in o.a. Amsterdam aanbieden.
Here you find all our yoga workshops and events
Yoga for Children & Teenage
Kids from 4 till 8 year
Wednesday 13.30 – 14.30h
Teacher: Gabi Baldinger
Teenage from 9 till 12 year
Wednesday 15.00 – 16.00h
Teacher: Gabi Baldinger
Yoga for children is a playful way of learning yoga. We do asana’s but also work with dance, massage, games, and visualization. The children can really use their creativity in this class.
We do the yoga asana’s in a flow: not the perfect posture is central, it’s about getting the intention. Older children can keep postures longer and we pay more attention to breathing.
The yoga class is a place to learn to listen to your body, to feel what asana’s bring you, and to discover yourself. We sometimes work together building asana’s. This way the kids learn to work together and they feel how you can support each other to find the right balance.
Working together, feeling accepted and enjoying yoga, that are the goals of the classes yoga for children. A child can really grow and prosper when s/he finds these basic feelings of safety, recognition and connection with others. Yoga helps to find these emotions in a very physical way.
yoga for children helps to:
Practical information
Wednesday 13.30 – 14.30 ( young kids)
Wednesday 15.00 – 16.00 ( teenage)
Max.12 children. From 4 till 8 years & 9 till 12 years
Kids can start any time of the year !
Trial class:5euro
5x classcard:45euro
10x classcard:85euro
Including lemonade & fruit
1ste block-January 2016 till July 2016.
2de block- August 2016 till december 2016
registration : of