Bekijk hieronder de yoga workshops en masterclasses die we in o.a. Amsterdam aanbieden.
Here you find all our yoga workshops and events
Sanne and Marta join hands for this therapeutic yoga workshop. They will give you the subtle and energizing energy of Vijnana Yoga, combined with the healing power of Therapeutic Yoga.
Date: Saturday April 20
From 13 – 16.30h
With: Marta Font and Sanne Kerkhof
all levels
As the seasons change, the chances of falling sick rise sharply, in the form of flu infections, colds, allergies, asthma… It’s difficult for our body to keep the pathogens at bay when the immunity levels are down. Though we cannot avoid being exposed to weather changes and also from being in contact with those who are ill, we can certainly work our way to strengthen our defense mechanism.
Antibiotics and other medicines do help the body recover from the disease but they don’t help improve the body’s immunity. Yoga, perhaps, is one of the most effective and time-tested natural immunity boosters that we can adopt for a healthier life. It is an ancient art that strengthens the body and also relaxes the mind.
Since both colds and flu attack the bronchial passages, it makes sense that conditioning the lungs and maximizing one’s breathing capacity through pranayama would build resistance to preying organisms. Improving our breathing patterns, we improve our overall health.
This workshop is a gift to yourself. At the end of the workshops you have reached a good balance between relaxation and strength. You regained vital energy, feeling at the same time more relaxed and with a clear mind.
The workshop will offer you tools that you can practice at home.
Sanne & Marta will help you find the best way into each pose by using props and hands-on adjustments so you can fully experience and relax in each pose. The staying and breathing in the Asana’s cultivates the calm necessary for mental and physical stamina.
The Restorative Yoga workshop open for alle levels.
Regular price: €40,00.
Price members with a lesson card: €35,00
(max.: 16 people )
€40.00Register Now
Register in time: only 16 participants
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