What will it give you?
- You get an overview of the yoga poses that you practice with additional help and instructions to learn them. There is a lot of room for personal attention;
- Each course can accommodate up to 10 people. After this course you can easier start in the yoga classes at Samana Yoga Center;
- The lessons are given by Franck Laisina, internationally certified vijnana yoga teacher;
- The Beginners course is an ideal way to get acquainted with yoga. We hope that the type of yoga that we practise appeals to you and that you feel at home in our studio.We trust that after completion of the course you can join, with more ease and pleasure the regular yoga classes in our schedule.
The base for all yoga-schools (for among others, Iyengar-yoga, Astanga yoga, Bikram-yoga to Sivananda yoga) are the sutras of Patanjali.
Yoga exists of the following 8 sections:
- Yamas- our attitude towards our surroundings and the world, self-control;
- Niyamas-personal attitude, discipline;
- Asanas- postures used to meditate;
- Pranayama-Breath/energy management;
- Pratyahara-the withdrawal of the senses;
- Dharana-concentration;
- Dhyana-meditation;
- Samadhi-very deep meditation, liberation.
In Samana Yoga Center we teach vijnana yoga. By practicing asanas and pranayama we prepare our body and mind to enter the sections 5 to 8. Just like practicing sections 5 to 8 enable you to get a better understanding of asana and pranayama. An extra technique we apply in vijnana is the 10 vayus. This technique is developed from old texts (Gheranda Samhita and Shiva Samhita a.o.) by the founder of vijnana yoga, Orit Sen Gupta en contributes to our ability to practice with a calm and quiet mind and to develop an inner subtle feeling for balance in every posture.
Practical information
The Vijñāna kickstart course is for all levels.
Regular price: €75.00.
(max. number of participants: 10)
Regular customers with a strippenkaart can join in during the course, also as a single class.
(check our terms and conditions about application, payment and cancel)
€75.00Register Now
About the teacher
Franck always was occupied with sports and was in search for an alternative when he stopped. Yoga seemed to be appealing to him and after a 12-week course at the Volksuniversiteit he ended up in Studio Asana from Teresa Caldas. He had had lessons there from Teresa and some teachers educated by Teresa (Marta Font, Eveline Torres, Sanne Kerkhof, Dick Langenberg en Lies Schuring amongst others). Next to the regular lessons in the studio, Franck attended workshops and retreats in the course of his ‘yoga-years since 2002’. In Silves (Portugal) with Teresa, in Gabriola Island (Canada) with Flo Dedamme and in Immenstadt (Germany) with Orit Sen Gupta, the founder of vijnana yoga. His understanding of yoga has definitely broadened and deepened through following these workshops and retreats.
The meditative taste to vijnana yoga is very appealing to Franck and seems to be the reason why he practices this particular type of yoga for so long.
Franck likes to give these lessons to beginners, because he realises that he himself is a beginner too despite all the years of practicing. A beginner in the sense that there is so much to learn and much he still doesn’t know. So there immediately is a bondage with the students of this course.