Bekijk hieronder de yoga workshops en masterclasses die we in o.a. Amsterdam aanbieden.
Here you find all our yoga workshops and events
Yoga and four elements: earth, fire, water and air.
Dates: Wednesday 29 August to Saturday 1 September
Time: 10:00 – 13:00
With: Marta Font & Dick Langenberg
Where: In the heart of Amsterdam, right next to Central Station: Samana Yoga Center.
With this retreat you start the new season after the holiday powerful and balanced!
In four mornings we build a yoga practice that is becoming more pleasant and intense. Every day one of the four elements is central: earth, fire, water and air. Within yoga, each element focuses on an important aspect that helps you in the asanas. Every element is valuable in itself. Those who come every morning can put all the elements together on the last day and experience how that helps you to find both physical and mental balance.
The city yoga retreat is ideal because you end the holiday period, do yoga daily without having to travel far. In the afternoon you have time for yourself or for a nice late summer in the city. With this miniretreat you start the new season in a good way: you let new energy flow and can set an intention for the coming period.
By focusing on an element all morning and combining that with one or more of the Vijnan Yoga principles, it will become more alive. You begin to feel from the inside how your asanas become lighter and smoother. Four days retreat and a yoga experience, actually a mini vacation for yourself.
day 1: Earth
The teacher places emphasis on grounds for each asana and helps you with surprising variations to clearly experience the grounds. As soon as you can properly ground, trust the earth, it will be easier to raise your body from the points on the ground. As soon as you trust the earth and can really sink, you also feel the connection with your center better, your samana. You will see that many postures feel lighter through better grounds.
day 2: Fire
Action, if you want to achieve something bring your focus and intention. An energetic flow of asanas. The fire from your center does not let us go in all directions, but we focus so that we can extend and connect, as the flame that reaches up. Experience how arms and legs extend, how you are internally connected, but also in the world.
day 3: Water
Now that the soil is anchored in your body and the vitality of the fire is activated, we add the flow of water. Water sometimes easily flows wildly as high waves in the ocean, sometimes as a babbling brook. We concentrate on fluid movements without stress. This morning we work to let your energy flow in a natural way. Both your mind and your body learn to perform postures with peace.
day 4: Air
We add breathing. Sometimes powerful, sometimes relaxed. What do you need for the different asanas. We broaden and extend, it becomes lighter and you move freely. When your breath goes together with your movements, postures feel lighter and more stable.
We work according to the vijnana yoga principles.
The morning begins with relaxation and preparation for sitting (meditation), breathing exercises (pranayama), cleansing (kriyas) and the vayu’s (attention to sources of energy in your body). Then follows a series of asanas (postures).
10.00 – 11.00 sitting / vayu / kriyas and pranayama
11.00 – 11.15 tea break
11:15 – 13:00 asana’s practice and yoga text
As an added bonus, the studio is open on Thursday 30 August and Saturday 1 september from 13.30 – 15.30 to receive a shiatsu massage (30 minutes) of Isabel Schutz for only 25 euro. To book in advance via
1 workshop: euro 45, – / regular customers with a lesson card: 42, –
2 workshops euro 42, – (per workshop) / regular customers with a lesson card: 40, –
3 or 4 workshops: euro 39, – (per workshop) / regular customers with lesson card: 37, –
Maximum number of participants: 16
€156.00Register Now
pay in advance on account number NL85 INGB 0008 3344 76 tnv Samana Yoga Center Amsterdam, indicating the days and your name.
(check our general terms and conditions for registration, payment and cancellation)
CU on the mat!
Samana Team