Bekijk hieronder de yoga workshops en masterclasses die we in o.a. Amsterdam aanbieden.
Here you find all our yoga workshops and events
Are you interested in the ancient knowledge of Ayurveda? Then this is the perfect opportunity to deepen your understanding.
I offer a 4 module program. Consisting of 4 unique workshops, each going into a specific subject. You don’t need to have any Ayurvedic knowledge to participate in the workshops.
Each module takes about 3 to 3,5 hours, consisting of theory and practice. Read more about each module below.
*The modules can also be followed separately
Date: Sunday May 20
Time: 13.00 – 16:30
With: Amber Jägers
all levels
Ayurveda & Detox: eliminate toxins from your system
Spring is the ultimate time to detoxify the body. Ayurvedic detox is not about juicing and losing weight, but about removing ‘ama’ (waste) from the body so that nutrients are properly absorbed and the system can recover. In this unique Ayurvedic workshop you will learn all about it.
BREAK: 30 min with an appropriate ‘detox snack’
WHAT DO YOU TAKE OUT FROM THE Ayurvedic detox workshoP?
You will learn how you can easily remove ‘ama’ with home remedies, diet, routine and exercises and improve ‘agni’. No expensive doctor’s visits and no chemical pills.
Practical information
This workshop is for everyone, prior knowledge of Ayurveda is not necessary.
Regular price: € 45.00. *
Price of members with valid lesson card: € 40.00 *
(max number of participants: 12)
€45.00Register Now
* Combination advantage with other Ayurvedic workshop (s):
For those who want to get a broader understanding of all the basic principles of Ayurveda: the doshas, Vata – Pitta – Kapha – the gunas, ama and agni it is advisable to follow all 4 workshops as training. If you choose this you get a discount of 15%. If you choose to follow two of the four workshops you will receive a 10% discount on the total.
– Ayurveda & Detox: eliminate toxins from your system
– Ayurveda & Daily routine: Dinacharya – reconnect to the rhythms of nature
– Ayurveda & Stress release: calm your nervous system
– Ayurveda & Rejuvenation: nurture your vitality
Two workshops: 10% discount on the total of both (€ 80 regular price and € 72, – member price)
Four workshops: 15% discount on total (€ 153, – regular price and € 136, – member prize)
Individual Ayurvedic consult
If you are interested in an individual Ayurvedic consultation after taking part in the workshop, then you can make an appointment with Amber. Participants receive a discount and pay only € 35, – instead of € 50, -. This consultation takes place in your or Amber her home and takes 45-60 minutes. During the consultation, Amber will evaluate your disbalance by discussing complaints and performing a tongue and wrist diagnosis. We also look at your daily diet. On the basis of the consultation you will receive nutritional advice that helps to correct the disbalance. In the case of chronic or severe complaints Amber can refer you to an Ayurvedic practitioner or doctor.
(check our general conditions about registration, payment and cancellation)
About the teacher:
Amber Jägers is certified Yoga teacher and teaches at several yoga studios in Amsterdam Hatha and Slow Flow classes. For over nine years she practices Yoga (Iyengar, Hatha), since 2015 she has also been teaching. Her teaching career started in Costa Rica, where is founded ‘Alma Yoga’ ( a small Yoga school on the Caribbean Coast of Costa Rica. There she teached daily to locals and tourists alike. After her return to Holland she specialized further in alignment and Yoga therapy.
Having lived in the bounty of the Cosa Rican jungle she combines her love for nature and Yoga by organizing Yoga retreats.
Besides this Amber studied to become a certified Ayurvedic therapist at Na’an Ayurveda Hengelo. She already completed courses on Ayurvedic Nutrition and Ayur-Yoga. With Ayur-Yoga Yoga becomes a tool to balance the doshas (bio-energoes) in the system.
With these four unique workshops she combines her passion for Yoga and Ayurveda. It is her aim to foster self knowledge and to empower you to balance your body, mind and energies as a basis for your (spiritual) development.
Her motto is:
“No one is you, and that is your power”