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Men’s yoga with Dick Langenberg

03/09/2016 at 14:00-16:30

Date: Saturday 3th of september 
Time: 14.00 – 16.30 uur
With: Dick Langenberg
all levels

Yoga and men are not a new combination: 2.200 years this Hinduistic teaching were only practiced by men. Last decades yoga in the West is mostly embraced by women. But tides are changing, so men be there!

 Theme: Grounding and releasing.

In this workshop we will work our body combining strength, breath and relaxation. The focus will be inside, so we work from compactness to the outside.

The main part is to learn how we not only use our strength which is a typical male ‘thing’, but how we can combine it with our breath and relaxation to go deeper into the asana. Which we can ‘hold’ longer with grounding and releasing and without using force.

When we work from our centre we become strong and compact on the inside, while the outside will feel light and soft.

What’s  the program?

  • We  will start with kriya’s and vayu’s- cleaning excersises and pranayama- breathing excersises to focus the attention inwardly
  • When our body is relaxed and our mind silent, we start with a nice flow warming up.
  • Followed by asana’s with emphasis on grounding and releasing as a preparation for the more challenging asana’s
  • At the end a guided meditation
  • Next to the physical excersises also attention to yoga philosophy, as we are not only a body
  • Yoga sutra 1.2: Yogas citta vritti nirodhah- yoga is the restriction of the fluctuations of consciousness.

Men practicing together, curious about what it will bring you?

power / flexibility
strength / supple
tension / releasing
prestige / silence
energy / quietness
outside / inside

Everybody is welcome. You work on your own level and get guidance according to that.

Prices euro 35,- / euro 30,- Regular students with an updated lesson card


Cost: € 35, – / Clients with class card: € 30,-

The couponcode for regular customers with a card is: vasteklant

35.00Register Now

Max.16 participants. We work with small groups so there is more room for personal attention.


Event Category:


Samana Yoga Center
020 - 3315918


Samana Yoga Center
Droogbak 11
Amsterdam, 1013 GG
+ Google Map
020- 3315918