Bekijk hieronder de yoga workshops en masterclasses die we in o.a. Amsterdam aanbieden.
Here you find all our yoga workshops and events
VOICE & YOGA 3days
The voice is our most important tool of communication. We use it every day. So basically you can say that almost everyone is an expert. Yet you hear many people say that they do not like their voice and that they “cannot sing”.
Every sound you make contains a blueprint of your entire being. During these workshops you learn to become aware of this. Connect with your voice, listen to it, love it, treat it lovingly and playfully … Whatever the world seems to think, every aspect of your voice tells a piece of your inner truth. The power of the sound of your voice is that you can fully empower yourself. But it can also expose your deepest vulnerability. When you are in balance, this may be an enrichment. But when you feel insecure, this can get you off the ground, with all the consequences. These workshops will make you aware, and will give you tools how to get along with this, how to protect or express yourself with and through your voice
The workshops are given by Caroline Erkelens who has experienced the similarities of voice formation and yoga practice: “During my singing training I learned to” tune “myself every day. Every day is different, and yet I always had to be able to get my voice into both the depths and the hights. Exercises for breath and for the flow of energy arose, and after 30 years I still do them. The moment I started doing yoga I noticed the great similarity. Sometimes the exercises are literally the same. It fascinated me a lot and it made me excited to look for more similarities. Breath is connected in both yoga and singing with deep concentration and the resonance of energy. ”
During the workshops you practice with the voice from the whole. With the voice as a guide you embark on an inner journey. The result may be that you listen better to yourself and can hear yourself and the signals from your body. You feel more relaxed and more energetic, and that is reflected in the timbre of your voice, your expressiveness and in your attitude. Voice and sound formation are about allowing energy to flow. Your breath and voice guide you through the process. It helps you feel and respond from within. The resonance of your own sound sets you in motion. It promotes the flow of energy and clearing blockages.
We dive into the world of Voice & Yoga in a short trajectory of 3 workshops. Every workshop starts with a relaxed warm-up. We add sound in comfortable yoga postures. This gives inner space and confidence. After the warming-up, we study the theme of the workshop and we conclude with meditation.
The series of workshops consists of 3 workshops, each of which can be followed as a separate workshop. But of course you can also register in one go for the entire series “Voice & Yoga three days”. The themes of the workshops are:
– Voice & Yoga and breath
– Voice & Yoga and the body
– Voice & Yoga and emotions
Workshop 1 “Voice & Yoga and BREATH”
Breath is the basis of life. Breath and voice are one. Voice is breath transformed into sound. Your voice is carried by your breath at all times. When breath and voice are in balance, you experience pure freedom. Then your pure essence will sound from the sound of your voice, and that is a wonderful experience. The sound of your voice knows the way to inner freedom.
Often the voice does not feel wonderful and free, and that expresses itself in the sound of your voice. It may be that you are quickly hoarse, or that you get a high squeeky voice when you are standing in front of a group of people, or that they always think you sound angry …
In this workshop you will learn:
– experience how closely your voice and yoga are
– how your breath carries your voice so that your voice can flow freely
– relax and breathe low
– to balance breath and voice
– practice with techniques just for you
Workshop 2 Voice & Yoga and BODY
The voice is an integral part of the body. If you use your voice, your entire body resonates with it. How do you experience your own voice, how does it sound and feel? Consider what kind of messages you convey to your audience, whether or not intended. In this workshop you will learn:
– go to the inside with your voice
– how to scan your body with your voice
– how to get yourself into resonance / movement
– experience your voice from your entire body
– experience where your voice flows freely in the body and where you possibly block it
– removing blockages with exercises specially for you
Workshop 3 Voice & Yoga and EMOTIONS
Your voice is the mirror of your soul. If your voice “is not comfortable”, this usually does not mean that something is wrong with your voice. Very often there is an emotion in the way that blocks your throat chakra. It disrupts your energy and joy of life. You are not in your power, and that often unconsciously invites compensation. For example, “push hard” on your voice to be heard anyway, or set up a very sweet high voice so that people will like you. You hope so, but often it has the opposite effect because it noticeably influences your whole being. It takes you farther away from your own source, you get tired of it: you literally have the feeling that you are “going empty”.
In this workshop you will learn:
– to give sound to that which is there, and also to that which is not
– experience that every sound that comes out of your throat, however raw and unpolished, is what has to come out first. From coarse to fine. First the rough, and once that flows, your voice will automatically become more refined. Once your voice flows, your body will recover its balance and breathe naturally
– how the voice frees the emotion and guides it to freedom
– how to use your voice in a healing way
These workshops are for all levels.
minimum 8 / maximum 16 participants
Regular price: €45,-
Member price: €40,-
€45.00Register Now
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