Bekijk hieronder de yoga workshops en masterclasses die we in o.a. Amsterdam aanbieden.
Here you find all our yoga workshops and events
We are happy to welcome our senior Vijnana Yoga teacher from Canada, for her yearly visit.
Friday June 10, 5.30 – 9 pm
Saturday June 11, 9 am – 1pm & 2.30 – 6 pm
Sunday June 12, 9 am – 1 pm & 2.30 – 6 pm
This year our journey with Florence Dedame, guest teacher from Canana, is truly an ‘urban retreat’ where yogi’s with 2 years or more experience and yoga teachers join to research and deepen their own practice at our Amsterdam yoga center.
As part of the urban retreat we suggest you to eat a diet of fresh fruits, vegetables, some proteins and grains starting one week before the retreat. This will help you to fully profit from the retreat.
Flo Dedame: “There is always more to let go. In this retreat you will discover new ways to move in relaxation and unity.”
Flo will direct and inspire you on a journey to look for the natural action that does not involve struggle or excessive effort, to find motion that comes with relaxation. We are looking for a way to practice yoga almost as a way of not-doing, a concept that in the Tao tradition is named ” Wu Wei “.
The structure of the practice during the Urban retreat includes the practice of the vijnana yoga pillars and elements:
Breath – Pranayama
We balance our energy channels through the practice of alternate nostril breathing- Nadi shodana. We purify our energy channels through the practice of Kapalabhati (shinning skull) & Bastrika
Just Sitting
In vijnana yoga we “just sit”, with little explanation on how to sit, we cannot succeed and we cannot fail.
In this state of not knowing, the mind reaches at times places it would
never meet if it were busy with a technique and with ambition.
“Let the sit, sit.”
Asanas and tensegrity
During the course of our weekend together, we will move through the postures and asana’s in flow practices, visiting standing pose sequences, arm balancing, backbends, forward bends, inversions and some new material in the tensegrity series.
This Urban retreat is a gift to your self.
Maximum participants: 16. In a smaller group, we can practice more focussed.
Level: Intermediate practitioners with minimum 2 years of yoga practice are welcome.
2,5 days retreat
Price: euro 265,-
Price includes thee & fruits